Cyclone Biparjoy


Cyclone Biparjoy, originating in the Arabian Sea, has diverted from its projected path towards the Pakistan coast and is now heading for a landfall on the northern coast of Gujarat. With the increasing frequency and intensity of cyclonic activities, the arrival of Cyclone Biparjoy highlights the detrimental effects of climate change. This article provides essential information about the cyclone, its potential impact, and precautionary measures to be taken by the affected regions.

Understanding Cyclone Biparjoy:

Cyclone Biparjoy is a significant atmospheric phenomenon characterized by a vast air circulation revolving around a low-pressure region’s center. Such cyclones bring about turbulent storms and unfavorable weather conditions. The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) states that cyclones exhibit distinctive features of inward-spiraling winds, rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

Anticipated Effects of Cyclone Biparjoy:

As Cyclone Biparjoy approaches landfall on June 15, between Mandvi in Gujarat and Karachi in Pakistan, the Meteorological Department has issued severe weather warnings. The cyclone is expected to cause extensive damage to thatched and kutcha houses in multiple districts. Furthermore, the storm possesses the potential to uproot power and communication poles, disrupt railways, and harm standing crops, plantations, and orchards. The impact of Biparjoy is already evident, with turbulent waves surging towards the shores of Mumbai, prompting a red alert for the Saurashtra-Kutch coast.

Precautions to Take:

If you reside in an area at risk from Cyclone Biparjoy, it is crucial to follow the guidelines provided by the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). These precautions will help minimize the potential risks and ensure personal safety

  1. Leave early and seek high ground or a shelter that is not prone to flooding.
  2. Do not delay evacuation and risk being stranded.
  3. If your house is securely built on higher ground, take shelter in the safe part of the house. However, if asked to evacuate, promptly leave the area.
  4. Secure glass windows by boarding them up or using storm shutters.
  5. Provide robust support for outside doors to prevent damage.
  6. If wooden boards are not available, paste paper strips on the glass to reduce the risk of splinters. Note that this may not prevent windows from breaking.
  7. Stock up on non-perishable food items that require no cooking. Store an ample supply of drinking water in covered containers.
  8. Move valuable belongings to upper floors to minimize flood damage if evacuation becomes necessary.
  9. Ensure that emergency lights such as hurricane lanterns or torches are in working condition and readily accessible.
  10. Safely store small and loose objects that could become hazardous projectiles in strong winds.
  11. Ensure windows and doors can only be opened on the side opposite to the wind direction.
  12. Make arrangements for individuals with special dietary requirements.
  13. During the temporary lull in wind and rain when the cyclone’s center passes directly over your location, avoid going outside. Strong winds will resume shortly afterward from the opposite direction.
  14. Turn off the electrical mains in your house.
  15. Stay calm and composed throughout the cyclone’s duration.

Future Outlook for Cyclone Biparjoy:

Although Cyclone Biparjoy is expected to weaken after making landfall, it still poses a significant threat and can cause substantial damage. The storm is predicted to dissipate by June 17, alleviating the immediate danger. However, the affected regions should remain vigilant and follow official instructions from relevant authorities.


Cyclone Biparjoy’s unexpected change in course towards the northern coast of Gujarat demands proactive

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